Benefits of Fermented Mayo
How would you like to get some additional benefits from your humble mayo? Well with the addition of fermentation you add in probiotics which are great for your gut and aid in digestion. And with the addition of fermentation you turn regular mayo into fermented mayo a condiment full of good bacteria.
You probably know of probiotics from eating yogurt or possibly sauerkraut, that has been fermented instead of pickled. And if you do a little research, you will find that almost anything can be fermented. If you are interested in the best ferments to consume Dr Axe has a nice list.
Fermentation is not only good for your health but also, to extend your shelf life as well. Homemade mayo keeps for about a week at most whereas fermented mayo will last for at least double or triple that time.
However if you are uncertain let your eyes and nose be your guide. If it smells off or you see mold chuck it. It’s the same as if you were to buy anything in store and it expires. Just use simple common sense.
Saving with Homemade
Nowadays you will find good quality mayo is very expensive in stores and if you are on a low carb or keto diet you will quickly learn that mayo is an essential staple food.
And with 11g of fat per Tablespoon you can see why it is a popular food on a low carb diet. And with this recipe you will get more than enough fat because you will almost triple the amount of the mayo that you would buy in store.
Healthy mayo averages at $10.99 for 12ozs. Whereas with homemade you are mostly paying for your bottle of oil. I got mine for $7.99, which is not expensive compared to buying good mayo in the store.
Obviously there are cheaper mayo out there but I would strongly advise against buying any of these. Most have soy or canola oil in them which is terrible for your health. Wapf goes into full detail over why you want to avoid these oils.
Also something that I have found to be pretty much essential for making mayo is an immersion blender. It truly makes the process of making mayo a breeze. You can of course still do it in a blender as well, it’s really whatever works for you.
Mayo when done right is truly a wonderful health food full of healthy fats and protein.
Try mayo added to your keto sandwiches, alongside your chicken in a Buffalo sauce or mixed into a chicken or fish salad. Get creative, the possibilities are endless!
Quick and easy Fermented Keto Mayo
3 organic or pastured egg yolks
3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 Tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar or Lemon juice
3 tablespoon whey or liquid from previous ferment (you can also use liquid from a ferment in store such as “Bubbies”)
1 tsp Redmond’s real salt
2 1/2 cups extra virgin olive oil or any combination of oils you’d like
Immersion Blender Instructions:
- Separate egg whites into a container and add egg yolks to a quart wide mouth jar.
- Add the Dijon mustard, vinegar, whey and salt.
- Place the immersion blender in the bottom of the jar before you turn it on.
- Mix using one hand and with the other hand slowly pour the oil into the jar in a thin steady stream while continuing to mix with your other hand.
- The mayo will be ready when it’s thick and fluffy.
- Taste and adjust salt, and maybe add more vinegar or lemon juice and dijon depending on your taste.
- Leave out on the counter overnight to ferment.
- Put in the fridge and enjoy.
Blender Instructions:
- Repeat 1 and 2 from the immersion blender recipe above but instead of putting ingredients in a jar put the ingredients in your blender.
- Put the lid on your blender and take the pitcher lid off.
- Turn the blender on and slowly pour in the olive oil.
- Turn it off when it is all blended and emulsified.
- Adjust flavor according to taste.
- Pour into a wide mouth jar.
- Leave on the counter to ferment overnight.
- Put in the fridge and enjoy.

Fermented Mayo That is Quick and Easy
- Immersion Blender optional
- 3 organic or pastured egg yolks
- 3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
- 2 Tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar or Lemon juice
- 3 tablespoon whey or liquid from previous ferment you can also use liquid from a ferment in store such as “Bubbies”
- 1 tsp Redmond’s real salt
- 2 1/2 cups extra virgin olive oil or any combination of oils you’d like
- Separate egg whites into a container and add egg yolks to a quart wide mouth jar.
- Add the Dijon mustard, vinegar, whey and salt.
- Place the immersion blender in the bottom of the jar before you turn it on.
- Mix using one hand and with the other hand slowly pour the oil into the jar in a thin steady stream while continuing to mix with your other hand.
- The mayo will be ready when it’s thick and fluffy.
- Taste and adjust salt, and maybe add more vinegar or lemon juice and dijon depending on your taste.
- Leave out on the counter overnight to ferment.
- Put in the fridge and enjoy.